As a member of the Y, you are given full access to all of our group exercise and water fitness classes. Classes range from beginner to advanced.
Try our new MOSSA ON DEMAND: MOSSA On Demand gives you the highest quality workouts anytime, anywhere. With decades of experience developing professional fitness programs, MOSSA's team delivers workouts that guarantee results for everyone from brand new exercisers to serious athletes. The MOSSA Team designs each workout with options and modifications so you can choose the intensity and challanges that are just right for you. Try every workout you want and select your favorites to create your own personalized fitness playlist. Combine cardio and strength programs to maximize results! Work out from the comfort of your own home-on your TV, on your computer, or download the app. Try free workouts here.
Stay informed via this page or download the Goldsboro Family YMCA mobile app for up-to-date schedules about group exercise. If you have any questions regarding group exercise classes, contact our Welcome Desk at 919-778-8557 or communications@goldsboroymca.org