The Goldsboro Family YMCA is a place where you can achieve your health goals, and find a sense of community. Come just as you are—we have members from all walks of life! We would encourage you to wear something comfortable to work out in, and a good pair of athletic shoes for your safety.

Here is a list of what to expect when you visit the Y:
  • Expect to see people just like you! You are not alone. Wherever you are on your health journey, there are others here in the same place. There are always other first time guests as well, so you won’t be the only new kid on the block.
  • Expect to be greeted by a friendly face! Our Front Desk Team is here to serve you and assist you in any way.
  • Expect to have full access to the facility as a guest during your visit. Try it all out—we have nothing to hide! Stay as long as you would like. Until we close of course.
  • Expect to sign in at the Front Desk. Fill out a guest waiver and ask any questions you have! Also expect to receive any follow-up information that you may request. Want information on swim lessons for your kids? Great! Just let us know.
  • Expect hot coffee and a sense of fellowship in our ‘coffee corner.’
  • Expect a variety of cardio and fitness equipment. Afraid you don’t know how to use it? Don’t worry! We offer free Equipment Orientations. Please see Wellness Center staff for details.
  • Expect to discover a new passion. We encourage you to try a variety of fitness activities and push your comfort zone just a little. Who knows, you may find something new that you REALLY enjoy!
  • Expect to have access to almost free 100 fitness classes on a weekly basis. Bet you can’t try them all!
  • Expect your kids to want to come back.
  • Expect to be a part of something greater. The Y is a movement. A cause.
  • Expect to make a friend. Or two. Or a whole new Y family.
  • Expect to make a difference. Your membership and donations allow us to impact our entire community. Way to go!